HR Glossary for HR Professionals

Glossary of the most common HR terms and acronyms to assist professionals navigating the ever-growing and ever-changing world of HR terminology.

Employee Perks

What Are Employee Perks?

Employee perks are additional offerings that supplement an employee’s initial salary and benefits. They are voluntary perks not required by law. They aim to supplement required benefits such as health insurance. These perks most often fall under the umbrella of fringe benefits.

Employers can use these perks to support employee benefits offerings and stand out from other employers.

What Are Examples of Perks?

Common examples of perks include: 

What Are the Benefits of Employee Perks?

Employee perks are a great selling point to potential candidates. Offering these sought-after fringe benefits can help organizations become even more competitive in recruiting top talent. Offering perks is also a great way to maintain high retention rates among current employees. Employee perks can also increase productivity. A relaxing environment that lowers stress levels can allow employees to maintain a clear focus and have a better experience in the office.

Related Terms: Fringe Benefits

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