Millennials (1980-1994)
Who Are Millennials?
Also known as Generation Y, Millennials are the first generation to come of age in the digital era. Growing up with the internet and the rise of social media, Millennials are known for their adjustment to technological changes. This generation’s worldviews were shaped by living through significant global events, including the September 11th attacks and the Great Recession. Millennials have increasingly sought environments where they can align their careers with their personal values and passions. This preference for balance is also reflected in their desire for self-expressive work, as they are influenced by the societal shift toward individualism and personal branding.
What Are Millennial Characteristics?
Millennials are open-minded, connected, and creative.
What Do Millennials Value?
Millennials’ values are shaped by a unique combination of societal shifts and technological advancements. Growing up during the rise of social media, they developed a strong sense of personal branding, which has influenced their desire for work-life integration—seeking careers that blend personal passions with professional goals. They value higher education because of societal pressure to attain a college degree. Lastly, Millennials value individualism and creativity. They were influenced by DIY culture and the rise of the “gig economy,” which has shown them that they can build careers outside traditional corporate structures and take control of their professional paths.
What Advantages Do Millennials Have?
Millennials are well-versed in digital tools and social media platforms. Their familiarity with technology also fuels their creativity and innovation, allowing them to bring fresh perspectives to the workplace. Additionally, Millennials are also known for being more open-minded than other generations, which can be attributed to their access to diverse viewpoints through the internet. This openness to new ideas and different perspectives allows them to challenge the status quo and approach problems with a more innovative mindset, making them a dynamic and forward-thinking generation.